I Want You to have a great summer.

Ah the wonderful days of Summer are upon us.  Such a great time for cookouts, camping, or just vegging out in front of the television.  Your favorite family-friendly entertainers from Greenville and beyond are gearing up for lots of Summer activities too.   We will be entertaining as clowns, balloon twisters, magicians, face painters, and costumed characters at hundreds of birthday parties this Summer.  But we will also be entertaining at camps, learning some new skills, and may even take the time to have a few days of vacation here and there.  Here is some of what we are doing this summer.

Balloon Twisting and Balloon Decorating

Summer is a busy time for decorating at weddings and festivals. Joy Set Entertainment has balloon twisting and balloon decorating lined up. We will also be learning some new designs at TJAM on the Road in June. This is a really cool event for balloon artists of all skill levels. The Tie Dye Balloon Guy is heading to the Richmond, VA event to hang out with a lot of other balloon artists. There is going to be a lot of talent in that room. I can’t wait!

July brings Ballooniversity to the Atlanta, GA area. Many masters of balloon decorations are going to be sharing some of their secrets. There is even a competition for balloon twisters. Yeah!

This Summer you can spot the Tie Dye Balloon Guy doing balloon twisting at restaurants in Greenville and Spartanburg, SC.

Face Painting

There are also going to be some great training opportunities for face painting as well. Paula will be taking some time to get to Atlanta for some additional training and new techniques.

Naturally, we will still be doing lots of face painting at birthday parties and festivals all summer long.

Summer Camps

Of course, when the artists and performers at Joy Set Entertainment are not learning new techniques, we are teaching them to others or just sharing our talent. We have already done four summer camps so far and have an additional four slated for later on. At the end of July, we will be teaching for one week in Ashville, NC.

VBS or Vacation Bible School

Camps aren’t the only place where you might see Joy Set Entertainment this summer. We also will be doing many VBS programs. Whether it is a kickoff event, or a closing celebration, or one of our weeklong kids crusades Joy Set Entertainment can be an integral part of a VBS program.

To learn more about our Summer programs check out our special link here.