Greenville balloon twister makes snowman

I am making a snowman one way or another!

Here in Greenville, SC we are anxiously watching the weather over the next several hours.   Meteorologists are now calling for about a 100% chance of snow in the Upstate of SC.    This entertainer has mixed feelings about it.  First of all, I am a kid at heart.  I love snow almost as much as my kids do.  And if we get the four to six inches that is called for, I will build a snowman.  I will have a snowball fight and enjoy drinking some hot chocolate.

But secondly (and in reality the most important aspect) I am a parent.  My kids may enjoy one or two days out of school now, but later on they will lose some of their extra holidays from school.  When I was in Elementary School I never understood having a “snow day” in April.   Then there is also the lost revenue.  I do not have any birthday parties until the weekend (and hopefully the snow will have melted), but I am scheduled to some balloon twisting at Corona’s Mexican Restaurant on Monday night.  And Joy Set Entertainment will be doing balloon twisting and face painting at the Greenville Road Warriors hockey games on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights this week.  And while I hardly consider what I do to be actual working, since I get paid to play,

The kid part of me is slowly winning out.  I am actually hoping for a good couple of hours of playing in the snow followed by some “global warming” … err … uh … climate change to clear the roads.  Regardless of what happens, I plan on having fun.