Playing the fool at Balloon Town USA
Somehow I always get to play the fool. In 2005 I was hired by the Greenville Library to play a court jester for a medieval theme. In 2006 I donned the fools garb for whole week at a church in Greenville. And then in 2007 I played a jester at an event called Balloon Town USA. Under the direction of Steve Jones of Aeration Decorations, a team of balloon twisters and balloon decorators from all over the world collaborated on the worlds largest balloon sculpture, which was the town of Balloon A Lot.
Historically the jester / clown / fool has always had a significant role in history in many different cultures. The medieval jester was thought to be a special case that God had cursed or blessed with a childlike madness. Many jesters were actually quite skilled in music, juggling, singing, telling riddles, or other talents. Their primary role of course was to entertain the king and his court. However the jester could often make comments to the king and other important officials that most certainly would have endangered others. After all, who would be mad at the sayings of a “fool.” The jester used humor to remind others of their own foibles.
I realize that I have been blessed by God with a childlike “madness”. He has given me many skills that I can use for His purposes. Science has discovered the health benifits of humor. Laughter reduces stress, relaxes muscles, boosts the immune system, inhibits pain by producing endorphins, and so much more. This world seems so crazy at times. We all need a good laugh now and then. The average two year old laughs 40 times a day, while the average 40 year old laughs two times a day. If you are feeling the stress of day to day life, maybe you need a jester to help you laugh just a little bit more.
One more thing. The word “fool” comes from the Latin word follis which means “bag of wind.” Not a bad thing for a balloon guy!
Aydeloof is fooled ya spelled backwards.
Carl “The Tie Dye Balloon Guy”
aka “Aydeloof the Jester”
or how about “Just Air” the Jester